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Frontlines Middle School Summer Camp Registration: Grades 6-8


Grades 6-8 

Registration Below

Looking to Register for grades 1-5 or to Volunteer? Click the links below

We are going paperless this year

However if anyone has a problem filling out the form online, they can pick up a hard copy form and fill it out at the church office

Important: Every person going to brownstone must have a permission waiver filled out for the park.  Click on the link below for this document.  please mail this to us completed along with your payment.  Thank you!

Current Price per child: $70 ($40 without Brownstone)

Mail check to:

The Huntington Chapel

177 Ripton Rd.

Shelton, CT. 06484

2 ways to pay


1: Online: Click button below                                      




  * This option not yet available                         

       check back soon


Make checks out to "The Huntington Chapel"

with a memo saying "Youth VBS" and add a          separate note saying who the check is for.                                                                                                         Thank you!

July 8-12, 2019.

Family Celebration Picnic 6:30-9pm Friday July 12th


The Chapel is a multi­generational, culturally diverse family, who passionately pursues deeper intimacy with God, uniting to experience and express Christ’s love, living a supernatural life through the Holy Spirit, bringing heaven to earth.


177 Ripton Road

Shelton, CT



(203) 929-1222

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