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Vacation Bible School Grades 6-8 Registration
2 ways to register
1) Complete the online form (recommended)
Step 1: Complete the online form at the link below for children entering grades 6-8 in fall 2017 and select "send"
Step 2: Mail your payment to:
The Huntington Chapel
177 Ripton Rd.
Shelton, CT. 06484
Current Price per child: $55

* Note: Please make a check out to "the Huntington Chapel" with a memo stating "VBS-Children" on it for those entering grades 1-5. You may pay on the first day, but those who have everything set with registration before VBS week will be streamlined past the lines on opening day.
July 10-14, 2017 9am-12noon.
Family Celebration Picnic 6:30-9pm Friday July 14th
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